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Essential Tips For Improving Construction Site Security & Maintenance


Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Construction sites and projects are easy targets for equipment theft, vandalism, trespassers, and fraudulent insurance claims. The National Equipment Register reports that the annual value of the equipment stolen throughout the nation ranges from $300 million to $1 billion. This range only includes reported theft; smaller tools and supplies that are stolen, as well as the related lost work time, are not always reported.

In California, construction site security requirements cover aspects such as signage, perimeter fencing and gates, lighting, temporary buildings and office trailers and motorized building equipment. Larger sites must also have an official security plan and additional measures. Outlined below is a look at some of the specific requirements.

Construction Site Signage

All vehicle entrances into the site must have address signs with the street name and number clearly labeled in lettering measuring at least six inches. In addition, all perimeter access points must display “No Trespassing” signs with California Penal Code Section 602 listed on them. All signs must be posted at least five feet from ground level.

The main entrance gate and the outside of the office trailer must have signs displaying 24-hour emergency contact numbers for someone who will respond to the site.

Perimeter Fencing and Gates

Fencing must be installed around the perimeter of the construction site adjacent to streets. It should be at least six feet high and have 94 percent minimum blackout plastic screening. Gates for vehicles and pedestrians should not be covered, and the fencing must remain uncovered for 20 feet on either side of the gates.

The number of access points on the site should be kept to a minimum. Wherever possible, these points should be located in areas that can be seen clearly from an adjacent street. All gates and openings must be secured outside of operating hours using padlocks designed to prohibit shackle cutting.

Proper Lighting

Lighting is an important deterrent for thefts and vandals. Vehicle gate areas, open centralized storage areas for materials and fixtures, temporary buildings, trailers and containers must all be illuminated at night.

The minimum light level at these required locations is one foot-candle at the ground across a radius of 15 feet. All light fixtures must be placed at least 18 feet high and must be equipped with a polycarbonate or tempered lens approved for use in wet locations.

Temporary Buildings And Office Trailers

All doors on office trailers and temporary buildings must have a deadbolt lock and auxiliary locking device with a slide bolt or hasp installed. Protective devices must be used to prevent padlocks from being cut.

Windows must be secured using steel bars positioned five inches apart or less. These bars should be secured using bolts that cannot be removed from the outside. In lieu of steel bars, a steel grate mesh of at least an eighth-inch thick can be used as long as it is securely attached in such a way that resists removal from outside.

Motorized Building Equipment

Motorized equipment such as forklifts must be left inoperable outside of working hours. They must be rendered unable to start, move or operate; forks can be removed and secured to meet this requirement.

Each piece of motorized equipment with a wheel diameter measuring 15 inches or greater must be given an onsite record that is updated regularly. It must list the manufacturer and model, vehicle identification number, product identification number and license plate number.

Construction Site Security Plan

In addition to the aforementioned general requirements, a security plan is required for residential projects that contain 25 units or more or non-residential projects occupying 50,000 square feet or more. The security plan must list information such as the site’s location, tract and lot number and contact information for the person responsible for the security plan.

In addition, it specifies that at least one additional measure on top of the general requirements is adopted. The options include cameras, security officers, an approved construction site security program or certain alternative measures.

If cameras are used, their specifications must be listed and a plan must be created for maintaining operation in the event that power is disconnected. In the case of security officers, there must be one officer on the site for each 20 acres. The security company, state license number and days and hours officers will be on site must be listed.

#1 Formulate A Comprehensive Security Plan:

The first thing about securing a construction site is to develop an efficient security plan in compliance with California codes. The security plan needs to be formulated before starting the construction. In case you have your construction project in Los Angeles County, or Orange County or San Bernardino County, formulating a concrete plan for construction site security in Los Angeles County should be your first priority. A security plan can help you keep the trespassers at bay and theft at a minimum to deliver your project on time and with no delays. You should create a site map and highlight the sensitive area in your site map. A security plan can help you identify the weak spots and take appropriate security measures to strengthen those areas.

#2 Secure The Perimeter According To The Plan:

It is important to create a strong perimeter or boundary around the construction site because you will only be able to protect your site if you have complete knowledge of what specific area you are protecting. You must put at least 18 to 20 feet high fences to make the boundary clear and to be in compliance. This will create a safety net around your construction equipment, tools, and supplies. Moreover, putting up fences will also discourage vandals and trespassers from entering your construction site.

#3 Use Lights, Badges, Or Hard Hat Stickers:

Most construction projects work in daylight and therefore require strict security during the nighttime. Protecting the construction materials and equipment during non-working hours is a must. You must install lights preferably with motion sensors in and around your construction site. In addition, you can use badges and hard hat stickers for your authorized personnel on-site. They should be used to visually identify authorized personnel.

#4 Implement A Systematic In And Out procedure:

You must implement a signing-in and signing-out procedure at the entrance. This will allow you to keep a track of all personnel present on your site. For your construction project, this simple gate-keeping formality will also help you know who is in and who is out and the accurate time they spent on-site especially during incidents, injuries, theft, and accidents.

#5 Maintain Regular Security protocol:

This is another effective way to ensure construction security in Los Angeles. You should regularly check fencing or perimeter hoarding to ensure their functionalities. You should maintain the security protocol for your site from the start to finish.

#6 Hire Professional Security Service:

One of the most effective ways of securing your construction project in Los Angeles is to hire a reliable, experienced, and State Licensed security guard and mobile patrol services. With over two decades of security guard and mobile patrol services; Secursolution security guard services is your ultimate choice. Secursolution Inc. provides construction site security in Los Angeles County, Orange County and surrounding cities at competitive rates. Contact 1-833-874-8273 or email They provide well-trained security officers who follow strict patrol procedures to ensure the safety and security of the construction sites. The patrol officers of Secursolution respond to many situations including noise complaints, trespassing & suspicious activities, regular and unauthorized visitors, etc.


Keeping construction site security is a daunting task and hiring a professional security service to protect your construction site can be the smartest decision one can take to safeguard his/her construction project. The professionals do much more than protect your property, they act as a guardian of your construction site.


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